Saturday, June 28, 2008

Benjamin Zander on Classical Music

I found this video on classical music and thought I should post it as kind of a bonus or supplement to this week's music theme. It comes from one of my favorite websites for the spread of knowledge and ideas, The speaker is Benjamin Zander, the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic. He is an excellent communicator and sort of follows in that same vein of work as Leonard Bernstein, educating the public on classical music. As a side note, I am not particularly fond of his playing of this prelude. It does, however, work for his purposes in this lecture.



Jamie said...

Ah, the amuse-bouche of intellecuality. You've piqued my interest. I'm going to watch this covertly at work.

Jamie said...

Maybe my last comment sounded kind of snotty. I should add that I only have room for an amuse-bouche of intellectuality because I've gorged myself on the Extreme Value Meal of idiocy.

The Bon Vivant said...

Wow! what a great idea to contribute to the virality of this video! ;-D